Doctor of Pharmacy



药学博士(PharmD)课程的体验式教育部分是您 走出教室和学术实验室进入各种现实世界实践环境的机会, putting the knowledge you have gained to use in hands-on pharmacy practice experiences. These experiences, also known as rotations, make up 30% of the pharmacy curriculum.

The College has practice experiences at approximately 500 pharmacy and clinical sites, 包括 社区药店, hospitals, 流动护理诊所, 研究实验室, 管理式医疗设施, specialty pharmacies, academia, 政府机构和制药行业. These experiences not only expand your knowledge of pharmacy, 但往往会带来毕业后的机会.



IPPEs are designed for pharmacy students in their first three professional years of the PharmD program. 当你进入职业生涯的最后一年, 通过满足以下详细的IPPE要求,您将获得320小时的实践经验. 

Each pharmacy student is required to complete three rotations, 哪一个总共有8个学分和320学时. 在开始应用程序之前,必须满足所有IPPE要求(见下文),并且必须在美国或其领土内完成(按照美国标准) ACPE Standard 13.8).


Community Pharmacy
Team-Based Care

Goal: Expose students to the day-to-day operations of a community pharmacy

Duration: 4 weeks (160 hours)

Timing: Summer after P1

Activities include: Dispensing, non-sterile复合, counseling, 接种疫苗和促进自我保健, health and wellness

Goal: Expose students to the day-to-day operations of a hospital pharmacy

Duration: 3 weeks (120 hours)

Timing: Summer after P2

Activities include: Unit dose dispensing, sterile compounding, medication reconciliation, provider education

Goal: Expose students to the day-to-day operations of a ambulatory patient care setting

Duration: 1 week (40 hours)

Timing: Summer after P2

Activities include: Patient interview, medication histories, patient and provider education


APPEs是一种实践体验,旨在建立在课堂上获得的学术基础之上, 药学博士项目的实验室和IPPE部分. Starting in May at the beginning of the final professional year, students complete seven APPE rotations (five core and two electives), 每六周(共42周). One week of an APPE is equal to one semester hour of academic credit (for a total of 42 credits). 



专业四年级(P4) - 7x6周轮岗
Rotation Type
Core Ambulatory Care





Hospitalized patients, focused area of pharmacy, nursing, home patients, direct patient care


Hospital pharmacy

Flex Core 门诊护理、社区或住院病人


Elective Elective 1


Students may also opt for additional ambulatory care or inpatient experiences



Elective 2
Required Core APPEs

You must complete the following rotations for a total of 30 credits: 社区药房,门诊护理,住院护理,机构护理和机构药房. All required core rotations must be completed in the United States (in accordance with ACPE Standard 13.8).

门诊护理和住院护理轮转是直接的病人护理轮转,包括但不限于: anticoagulation, critical care, 糖尿病/内分泌学, 急诊医学/毒理学, family practice, gastroenterology, geriatrics, hematology/oncology, HIV pharmacotherapy, homecare, infectious diseases, internal medicine, nephrology, neurology, nutrition, pain management, pediatrics, 初级保健和精神病学.

Elective APPEs

You must choose two elective rotations to complete the APPE requirements. Each rotation is six weeks in length and six academic credits. Elective APPEs may be completed outside of the United States.

选修课包括: compounding, 药物项目管理, 政府事务/监管, 健康信息管理, 家庭输液药物疗法, 国际制药, long-term care, medication safety, military pharmacy, nuclear pharmacy, 制药行业, pharmacogenomics, 药房管理, 药学协会管理, 药学教育与研究.



国际轮岗为您提供与实践专业人士一起工作的经验,同时为国外社区服务. In doing so, 它们不仅扩展了您 的知识和技能,而且还提供了获得全球医疗保健视角的机会. 

In conjunction with the clinical or research aspects of the experience, 你有机会通过学习传统的医学方法和探索历史和文化遗址来扩大你对特定地区的理解. 

Limited international APPE opportunities have recently included Italy, Japan, China, 韩国和加拿大. More information is shared with you during the APPE orientation course offered during the P3 year.




在任何旋转之前, students must register as pharmacy interns in the state where the rotation will be performed, if applicable. 

Prior to APPEs, students must have successfully completed their IPPE requirements. 

Prior to IPPEs and APPEs, students must have the following:

  • 个人免疫记录副本, which is on file at the College (in the event a site requests to see them). 
  • 最近体检的证明, 在轮换开始前的学年结束前的特定时间框架内完成(时间框架将在学年的适当时间通知学生).) 
  • 结核病筛查测试(PPD皮肤测试或IGRA血液测试)-学生必须提供显示结核病皮肤或血液测试阴性结果的医疗文件, 或者检查结果呈阳性后的胸部x光报告. 筛选必须在轮转开始前的学年结束前的特定时间框架内完成(时间框架将在学年期间通知学生)。. 

  • CPR or Basic Life Support certification, valid for the duration of all rotations

  • 季节性流感(流感)疫苗

Some clinical sites may have their own requirements as well, 包括犯罪背景调查, a drug screen, 或者抗体滴度(实验室血液测试), 这是豁免的证据, as opposed to providing proof of having received the vaccine), etc. 

具体要求, if any, would be noted in the rotation site’s record within the College’s database, 并由体验教育的工作人员在轮岗前通过电子邮件通知合适的学生. 

举办体验式教育轮转的机构可能会因为无法提供适当的健康许可而拒绝学生参加体验式项目, which could result in delayed graduation or in the inability to graduate from the program.


被判犯有重罪或轻罪的个人可能会被拒绝获得卫生专业人员的认证或执照. 有关在某一特定司法管辖区获得许可资格的信息可从该司法管辖区的适当认证机构获得. 

轮换地点可能会因为重罪或轻罪定罪而拒绝学生参加体验项目, 未通过药检, 或无法提供适当的健康证明, which would result in delayed graduation or in the inability to graduate from the program. 

因为举办体验式教育的机构可能需要犯罪背景调查才能允许学生进入他们的机构, the College will conduct background checks on all students entering experiential programs, using the Health and Human Services/Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG) database. 

卫生与公众服务部监察长背景调查网站的目标是查明被排除在联邦资助的医疗保健计划之外的个人和企业. This includes individuals convicted of fraud related to federal programs, patient abuse, licensing board actions and default on health education assistance loans. 

如果一个学生通过使用这个数据库被识别, the matter is referred to a committee appointed by the Department of Pharmacy Practice for action.


ACPHS uses CORE ELMS as its online rotation management system for pharmacy practice experiences. 

New Preceptors 
如果你想成为一名导师,请登录 创建一个训导概要文件 在CORE ELMS中使用代码:ACPHSPRECEPTOR. 

Existing Preceptors 
If you're currently serving, thank you for helping educate the next generation of pharmacists. 要访问CORE ELMS,请访问 CORE ELMS login. If you have forgotten your password or need assistance with basic CORE ELMS functions, 请复习这四分钟 核心榆树如何视频 or contact the 体验式教育 team.

Lauren Hom stands with a group of students during experiential learning opportunity
“我没有考虑过其他大学, 这为国际旅行提供了机会. Talking to other pharmacy students from other colleges and preceptors outside of ACPHS, 他们总是对我有这个机会感到震惊.” - Lauren Hom '23




"The diversity of experience in rotating through the different areas of pharmacy (compounding, counseling, rounds, etc.) was a fantastic way of applying all the knowledge we have acquired thus far. 通过协助研究和实施治疗方案来直接影响患者护理的机会是非常有益的. This was by far the best rotation I have participated in thus far....这种轮换表明,对我来说,在其他工作环境中寻求经验是至关重要的,这样我才能找到最适合我的药房利基.” – IPPE student, summer following P2 year, regional medical center

“对于任何渴望在现实世界中获得领导经验和接触药房高级管理职位日常活动的学生, 同时还能获得临床经验, 没有什么可以代替这种轮换. 管理经验的融合, clinical and community pharmacy into a single rotation was invaluable ... 这使学生能够自由地开发自己的解决方案,以解决药房世界的合法问题, under the guidance of a preceptor who is an expert manager.-大学家乡药房P4年级APPE学生

“绝对身临其境的轮岗将为您提供每天应用临床知识的机会. 这一切都是在向非常有成就的医生和药剂师学习的同时完成的. 因此,它向我强调,作为一名药剂师,我必须真正理解并接受伴随正确咨询患者药物的巨大责任. 这不是简单的在盒子里打个勾. 缺乏适当的咨询会导致去急诊室, hospital stays, 不断恶化的健康和, in the worst cases, disability or death.” – APPE student in P4 year, internal medicine at suburban health care system

“这是一个具有挑战性但非常有益的轮岗. 在轮岗期间,最有影响力的学习经历之一是让自己沉浸在抗菌药物管理团队中, 特别是在大流行期间. I would brush up on the most up-to-date guidelines for various disease states, 我会和我的导师和团队讨论这个问题吗. 根据指南中的信息, 我能够就如何治疗病人和病人预期的治疗时间提出建议.-郊区医疗中心P4年级的APPE学生

“In this rotation, I experienced a unique and interesting field of the 制药行业, 这是监管事务. 我在全球标签公司工作. They are dealing with a lot of the legal framework to support the drug approval process. 这对我来说很有意义,因为我不仅可以与我的团队交流我的发现,还可以与其他国家的人交流,这将影响未来产品在国外市场的发布.-制药行业P4年级APPE学生


Dr. Riddle is among 468 preceptors who guide ACPHS pharmacy students through rotations at 370 sites. 导师为专业行为和决策树立榜样,并在实践环境中评估学生.

“Precepting students – they often teach me more than I teach them,她在领奖时说. “They keep me young. It also keeps me motivated, and it gives me hope for our future as pharmacists.”

Learn more about the 年度导师奖.

Meet Our Team


Jennifer Cerulli,药学博士
Assistant Director

Diana Foster

Megan Veselov,药学博士,MBA


Albany, NY 12208